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Many of our products are assembled by hand and ALL orders are processed in the order they are received. So it may often take several weeks to manufacture and then ship your specific order. UCS makes every attempt to deliver a customer’s order as quickly as possible. In order to achieve this, it is important for the customer to provide UCS with all the information required (e.g., color selections; logo artwork; etc.). To determine an estimated timeline for your order prior to making your purchase, consider calling our offices at 1.800.526.4856 and ask to speak with Online Sales to get an estimated production and shipping time estimate.
Torquent posuere vel id sagittis urna placerat ridiculus odio vestibulum donec tristique a nisl eros conubia condimentum nunc quisque nibh adipiscing habitasse parturient suspendisse proin a pharetra commodo leo tincidunt lobortis lacinia sem parturient dapibus.
Ad vivamus nullam scelerisque a neque suspendisse consectetur fringilla a suspendisse proin senectus lobortis lacinia sem parturient dapibus ad aliquet maecenas dis neque.
Torquent posuere vel id sagittis urna placerat ridiculus odio vestibulum donec tristique a nisl eros conubia condimentum nunc quisque nibh adipiscing habitasse parturient suspendisse proin a pharetra commodo leo tincidunt lobortis lacinia sem parturient dapibus.
Ad vivamus nullam scelerisque a neque suspendisse consectetur fringilla a suspendisse proin senectus lobortis lacinia sem parturient dapibus ad aliquet maecenas dis neque.